meet annabelle

It's said that when we turn 29 years old, we experience something called a 'Saturn Return.' It takes Saturn 29 years to make 1 trip around the sun, so at that age, we are at the point we were at during our birth. It is meant to be a time of upheaval, evolution, we cross a big threshold into our 'next stage,' we leave our youth and truly enter adulthood. Essentially, it is the beginning of a total life transformation. I began 2019 wondering how my Saturn Return would go. I owned my own business selling my artwork, I was married, we lived in a cute little bungalow, we had a dog and a cat. I was 29, and feeling pretty steady, though also fairly unfulfilled and restless. It couldn't knock me off my course that much, I thought.

Then in March of 2019, my world was completely shattered when my husband told me he had been having an affair. Thus began my introduction into betrayal trauma, and all of its disturbing ins and outs. 7 months later, after my sullen heart had taken some sort of shape again, my mother--my best friend, my person, my home--died in my arms from Stage 4 Breast Cancer. To say that I was a wreck is an understatement. I felt like I couldn't breathe under the weight of so much grief and trauma. All of which, I had absolutely no control over. On top of that, as we often learn during horrible hardship, I still had to pretend to operate as a functional person on a daily basis. So, it's safe to say that my Saturn Return successfully knocked me off the course I was on.

The overflowing grief and pain from these events was paralyzing. It felt like my life was always going to feel this way, and that nothing good existed anymore. But not only was I wrong, I actually learned how to find myself, my gifts, my needs, *because* of this destruction. Everything was torn down, and through integrative healing, I built my life back from scratch. This lived experience has given me wisdom and lessons I never asked for or wanted. But, I believe that it has revealed to me my purpose. To serve as a soft, warm landing place for those who are grieving and experiencing the confusing devastation of betrayal. As a certified spiritual life coach, I want to offer the gifts I have learned along the way, to support you when you've been knocked off course. I will help guide you back into alignment through a mix of active listening, validating your experience while also lending my own experiential knowledge of betrayal, tapping into where the trauma may be residing in your body, judgement-free curiosity about your path in life, and much more.

And now? Well, I've added an extra dog into the mix. We moved houses. Our marriage has rebuilt and is thriving. We have the most beautiful son. I see my mom everywhere and feel her presence nearby always. I am in flow with life once again.

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Soul Guidance